The Dr. Phil House: Heroin Twins

Heroin Twins, The Intervention, Part 2: “Twin sisters are on the brink of death in a gritty, in-your-face look at the realities of drug addiction, homelessness and prostitution that should be a wake-up call to all parents. Sarah and Tecoa, 25, had a typical childhood, filled with love and all the outward signs of a normal, happy family — until their parents divorced and their beloved stepfather exited their lives. Sarah and Tecoa say they turned to drugs and sex while in their teens, to fill the void left when they became fatherless, and their lives have been in free fall ever since. Now, Sarah lives minute to minute on the streets, consumed with her quest for heroin and crack cocaine, and selling her body to pay for her drugs. Tecoa is currently clean, but not by choice. She’s been in jail, unable to do anything but think about drugs. She’s also six months pregnant. Joani, a former Dr. Phil guest and recovering addict herself, found Sarah on the streets and documented her days and nights for a month. “

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